Swim Meet - District Meet!
- What
- Swim Meet - District Meet!
- When
- 1/11/2019, 8:00 AM
- Where
- Texas School of the Deaf 1102 S. Congress Ave., Austin, TX 78704
8:00am Warm Up
9:05am Start
added to calendar 11/12/18 - R. Tester. Times updated 11/29/18
ntering TSD: Go to 300 Elizabeth St., Austin, TX, which is the address of the TSD ELIZABETH ST. GATE….once through the gate, follow “PARKING” directions below:
Parking on campus.
1. Once through the Elizabeth St. gate, make first left, then….
2. Make first right into the parking lot, drive until you come to the FB field. Park.
3. If parking lot is full, you may park by the tennis courts.
4. If parking lot by tennis courts is full, proceed on the campus road toward the FB field (by 1st St.), park on campus road at the outside curb. Make sure you are facing South when parking. Take sidewalk to swimming pool (building with three big vertical/rectangular windows)
5. If you parked at the tennis courts/gym, walk toward the FB field, walk past the FB field until you come to the track flagpole. Pool is at the track flagpole.
6. BUS PARKING. At the Elizabeth St. Gate, security will advise you where you may park.