Library Donations

Dedicate a Library Book in honor of a special occasion!

Make a donation to the Meridian Library Book Fund and dedicate a book to your student or a friend/family member. It's both a lasting way to honor someone special and an impactful donation to our libraries and students. 

Here's the process:

  1. Make your donation here.
  2. Our librarians will order a book, and a bookplate dedication will be placed in the front cover
  3. We will mail a card to the honoree notifying them of your special gift. Your new book will become a permanent part of the Meridian School Library and a source of learning and enjoyment for years to come.
  4. Your student can be the first to check out the book!
All donations directly support Meridian World School Libraries.
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns. 

Interested in donating a book in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month? See this amazing selection of children's books!
