Spring Picture Day

It's time for Spring Picture Day!

In these photos, students are invited to wear "Spring dressy" or "Spring casual wear" rather than the regular school uniform.
  • Students posing for photos can wear their dressy or casual wear all day.
  • Clothes should be school-appropriate.
  • There are no retakes or makeups for these photos.
  • All primary students sit for photos; secondary is OPT-IN (see below)

Email Sarah Whitley with any questions.


Grades K-5

Friday, April 4

All primary students automatically pose for photos! Interested in purchasing your child's photo? You have two options:
  • Order after proofs are sent home, around two weeks after picture day.
  • Or, pre-order online and enter Primary Picture Day ID number: EVTBWB9SP.
    • Print and send the online order receipt to school with your student on picture day. Remind them to take it to the camera.

Grades 6-12

Monday, March 31

Only secondary students whose parents/guardians have signed up will have their photo taken.
Action Required:  If you want your secondary student to take a spring photo, please complete this Secondary Photo form by Friday, March 28 at noon.

Interested in purchasing your child's photo? You have two options:

  • Order after proofs are sent home, around two weeks after picture day.
  • Or, pre-order online and enter Secondary Picture Day ID number: EVTSWK9FJ.
    • Print and send the online order receipt to school with your student on picture day. Remind them to take it to the camera.