Play it Safe Curriculum for K-5

The “Play It Safe” program focuses on empowering students to identify potentially unsafe situations both online and offline. ‘Play It Safe’ lessons discuss the fundamentals of healthy relationships and how to handle unsafe situations. Each year students are introduced to and reminded of the 3-step safety rule:


  1. Say no.
  2. Get away.
  3. Tell a trusted adult.


Materials are presented in an age and developmentally-appropriate manner and include but are not limited to:


  • Safe touch, unsafe touch, and confusing touch
  • It is NEVER their fault, and it’s never too late to tell
  • Identifying unhealthy friendships
  • Establishing healthy boundaries. Say “No!”. Get away. Tell a trusted adult (parent, teacher, counselor, etc.)


This program is part of Senate Bill 9 and is an OPT IN program. Please opt in or out of the presentation at this link. If you have any questions, please reach out to either Dana Burks (K, 2, 4 Counselor) or Heather Mossell (1, 3, 5 Counselor).


To learn more about Williamson County Children’s Advocacy Center, go to To learn more about Play it Safe, please visit
