Seniors: upcoming events and reminders

Senior Trip Pre-Departure Meeting

Tuesday, February 11 from 5:45-6:45 p.m.


If your senior is signed up to attend the Senior Trip over Spring Break, please mark your calendar for a required, in-person meeting on Tuesday, February 11 in the High School Cafeteria.

Please bring the following items with you: 

  • $95 cash for tips. This is required of all travelers. Holcombe/Elbers will divide and pay tips to the service providers; students will not handle these funds.

We need to make color copies of these items - please bring to the meeting:

  • Student’s Driver License, Driving Permit, or Texas ID
  • Student's Medical Insurance Card

Graduation Product Orders

Monday, February 10 and Tuesday, February 11

Representatives from Herff Jones Orders will be on the Meridian campus February 10-11 to take orders for graduation regalia (cap and gowns), class rings, and graduation announcements. Parents/guardians may come to campus to place these orders themselves, or the student can place their own order. You may come either day, but consider coming on Monday, February 10  when it's less busy. Orders will be taken in the High School Tech Commons from 1:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

See this lovely guide created by Robyn Tester about graduation products for the Class of 2025! Thank you, Mrs. Tester!


Senior Yard Signs

Parents and guardians of seniors it's time to order senior yard signs.  This is an optional way for your family to celebrate your senior with either a "generic" or "personalized" senior yard sign.  The cost for each sign is $9. Orders are due February 14th.

Senior Trip self defense class

Wednesday, February 26 at 3 p.m.


Costa Rica is a safe country for travel, but the Vallejo family business (Aaron Vallejo Insurance Agency & Hippo Social Performance Club) is sponsoring a self-defense class for interested seniors. The class is limited to 25 participants. Reserve your spot.


IB Exams

The IB exam schedule for May 2025 is available. IB Exam invoices are in your MySchoolBucks account. The balance is due April 15. MySchoolBucks adds a 4% fee; you are invited to avoid this fee by paying with a personal check. Please make the check payable to "Meridian School" and write your student's name in the memo like this "John Doe - for IB Exams." Send your check to the high school office in a sealed envelope to the attention of Stela Holcombe.


2025 Graduation Information

Friday, May 23 from 7:00-8:30 pm at the Round Rock Sports Center (RRSC)

Graduation is less than four month away!  We will release more detailed information later, but here is the basic info you need for planning purposes:

  • each senior may invite up to 14 guests; there will be an opportunity to request additional tickets if desired.
  • we will have graduation practice on site on the morning of graduation; please do not make family plans on that morning.
  • heads up: no stiletto heels  (to protect the hardwood floors at the RRSC)

Questions about graduation? Email me at [email protected].
