Spirit Wear Store & Winter Uniform Exchange

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The Meridian 
store is open for business!

  • DEADLINE to order is 12/5.
  • Please be sure to include your child's name, grade, and teacher when ordering. (Use advisory teacher for secondary students.)
  • Orders will be sent home with students on 12/19.
  • Click HERE to visit the store.
Winter Uniform Exchange
Friday, November 30
Primary Cafeteria
Our first-ever Winter Uniform Exchange will be held in the primary cafeteria from 8:30-9:30 am THIS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30th. Like-new polos, pants, shorts, skirts, dresses, spirit wear, jackets, cardigans, and even winter coats are all just $2 each (cash, check, and credit cards accepted.)
Remember, all proceeds from this even go directly toward classroom needs. If you have items to donate, you can bring them to the event, or drop them in the Uniform Exchange bin (next to the primary lost and found) anytime, all year long. Thanks for supporting our school!