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Last updated 05/31/24

Proposed Season for 2024-2025 Meridian Competitive Golf

Meridian plans to form a co-ed Varsity Golf team for the 2024-2025 academic year. The team will be open to 8th-12th grade students of all genders. This team will participate in area golf tournaments and mini-tournaments with the culminating event being the league’s state tournament. Ultimately, whether or not this team forms will depend on registration numbers of qualified and committed participants.

  • Participants:
    • Grade levels: 8th-12th
    • Gender: All genders. This will be a coed team.
    • Minimum number of qualified participants needed = 12
    • Maximum number of participants = 16. Cuts after tryouts will be used to keep between the minimum and maximum number of participants.
  • Coach: Arturo Morales is the coach for Meridian’s Varsity Golf team.
  • Tryouts:
    • Tryouts are required.
    • Students must be registered for Golf and be physically eligible to try out.
    • Tryouts are scheduled for Friday, 12/6 from 4:15 - 5:45 p.m. in the Mays Aux.
    • Cuts are possible
    • Tryouts will assess: 
      • Etiquette
      • Rules
      • Keeping score 
      • Swing
  • Practices: There are four components to Golf practice. Participants must commit to all parts.
    • Team Swing & Chipping Practices - The team will practice together with soft golf balls in the Mays Aux Gym and around the trees near the Mays Cafe Mondays and Fridays from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. from 1/10 - 3/14.
    • Team Meetings/Instruction - The team will meet Wednesdays from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. in Mr. Morales’ room to learn Golf Rules & Etiquette. These weekly meetings start on 1/8 and will end on 3/12.
    • Independent Tee Time - Each Meridian Golf player will be required to practice on at least a 9-hole course once a month. They must show their scoresheet to the coach. The student and their parents/guardians are responsible for coordinating and paying for monthly tee time and all accompanying fees. The coach will not coordinate and will not be present. These fees are in addition to the Meridian Golf registration fee and participation fee.
    • Small Group Practice - Participants will work in small groups with the coach at the range once a month. The students and their parents/guardians will be responsible for any fees associated with these practices, including the fee for the bucket of golf balls. These fees are in addition to the Meridian Golf registration fee and participation fee.
  • Competitions/Golf Tournaments:
    • Up to four tournaments or mini tournaments will be scheduled for the team.
    • Meridian Golf will participate in the Texas State Golf Tournament for the Texas Charter School Academic and Athletics League (TCSAAL) on March 24 and March 25. (Location to be determined.) A limited number of participants will be able to participate at the State Golf Tournament. The Golf coach will assemble the team based on the season’s performance.
  • Fees:
    • Each sports experience has two Meridian fees – a $52.30 registration fee, which is a processing fee, and a participation fee, which covers Meridian’s expenses for providing the sports experience. Golf is an expensive sport. The participation fee will be communicated before registration opens. Participation fees guarantee practice opportunities. Playing time must be earned based on skills demonstrated, practice effort and attendance, Golf IQ, etiquette, and sportsmanship. Playing time is determined by the coach. Financial assistance for participation fees is available to students who need it and request it. See Financial Assistance.
    • This sports experience requires additional, student-paid expenses, including: monthly tee time, monthly range fees (bucket of balls), and personal golf clubs.
  • Transportation: Parents/guardians are responsible for providing or coordinating transportation. 
  • Communications: All Meridian teams use TeamApp to stay current on all their team’s happenings. TeamApp can also be used to coordinate transportation and team social gatherings. (Instructions for joining this season’s TeamApp will be sent in your Welcome email the school day after teams are formed.)
  • Equipment & Uniforms: 
    • Students will need to provide their own golf clubs and wear athletic clothes and shoes to practices. Black or khaki bottoms are required for competitions. Participants should bring a full bottle of water to all physical practices.
    • A Meridian Golf polo will be loaned for the season. Each participant will receive a Meridian Golf spirit wear long sleeve T-shirt, which they can keep and can be worn as a practice shirt and to school as spirit wear on Fridays.)
  • Lettering Requirements: Find the 2023-2024 Lettering Requirements for reference. Lettering requirements for 2024-2025 will be set in September. Lettering requirements for Golf will resemble the other Varsity sports teams.


Important Dates for 2024-2025 Spring Competitive Golf

11/13 - Registration opens

11/20 - Registration closes at 9 p.m. NO LATE REGISTRATIONS!

11/20 - Physical forms due

12/6 - Tryouts

12/9 - Welcome emails sent and invoices for participation fees sent to parent/guardian via MySchoolBucks

12/11 - Participation fee invoices due (or first half due if by payment plan)

1/8 - First practice

1/18 - Golf photos (team and individual athlete photos). See 2024-25 Sports Photos for details.

2/1 - Second half of payment plan due

3/14 - Last practice with the team. (Students are encouraged to continue to train on their own during Spring Break.)

3/24 & 3/25 - TCSAAL State Golf Tournament 

4/28 at 5:30 p.m. - Athletics Awards Ceremony for all competitive sports


New to Meridian sports?

Please see the Introduction to Meridian Sports

Also, please carefully read the 2024-2025 Athletics Terms for Participation.



Please send questions to [email protected].


The Athletics Department is closed from Summer Break from 6/4 - 7/14. Please plan accordingly.