Secondary (6-12) » Access Grades Online & ManageBac

Access Grades Online & ManageBac

Access Grades through Skyward

MYP (6-10) may check grades online in ManageBac. Final quarter and semester grades are posted in Skyward.
DP (11-12) may check student grades in Skyward.

How to sign up for Parent ManageBac Access

Meridian uses ManageBac to organize classes and plan units. Students have individual ManageBac accounts to see their classes. Parents may also choose to create an account if they would like to see information and assignments for their student.
Do I need a separate account for each student?
Nope! Just fill this form out to add a new student to your account.
If you already have a ManageBac account login here.

MYP Standards Based Grading and Navigating ManageBac

The MYP Coordinator has created several videos to help students and the community understand how Standards Based Grading (SBG) is implemented in the Middle Years Programme at Meridian. This is an endeavor that we recognize will take time and effort to fully understand. If you still have questions after watching the videos, please contact the MYP Coordinator, Kimberly Ogo

Watch the ManageBac videos now!


Some of the videos include:
  • What is Standards Based Grading (SBG) and IB Grading?
  • Digging deeper into MYP Rubrics and how Formative/Summative assessments factor into SBG
  • How to navigate ManageBac as a parent or a student
  • How to see a snapshot of rubric grades In ManageBac
  • Classroom expectations, cell phones, earphone/buds, academic honesty
  • Grading criterion and scale
  • Late Policy
  • Summative Redos