Theatre (After School) - "Meridian Mechs" » Theatre (After School) - "Meridian Mechs"

Theatre (After School) - "Meridian Mechs"

Performances for 2024-2025 will include a fall high school play and an all-secondary (6-12) musical!  


Please watch for the school newsletters and announcement slides about informational meetings and auditions. Information about the all-secondary spring musical will be available this fall.




The 2024 High School Fall Play - Clue!

Join us as Meridian Mechs present the fall play for 2024-2025: CLUE: High School Edition! Based on the cult classic film and the popular board game, Clue is a madcap comedy that will keep you guessing until the final twist. Tickets available now at the door or via My School Bucks! Presale is $5 for students and $10 for adults. Tickets at the door are $6 for students and $12 for adults. Performances at Friday, 11/1 and Saturday 11/2 at 6:30 PM in the Black Box in the Mays Building.

Questions? Please contact Amy Crowl. 

The spring musical is ...
The Spring Musical has been cast and rehearsals are currently underway.
Performances are scheduled for April. Please watch school communications, such as campus newsletters and advisory slides for updates.
Questions? Please contact Amy Crowl.