Developmental Volleyball - Spring 2025
Last updated February 5, 2025
This sports experience is NOW FULL. Registration is closed. |
Spots are limited!
About Spring Developmental Volleyball
- Designed for students to grow their volleyball skills and IQ and help them prepare for tryouts in early fall of 2025.
- Developmental Volleyball is training only -- no competitions.
- Location: Meridian Mays Gym
- Eligibility Required: Physical Eligibility and Financial Eligibility. Academic eligibility does not apply to Developmental Volleyball.
- No tryouts. Beginners are welcome.
- Students will need to wear non-scuff athletic shoes. Volleyball knee pads are strongly encouraged for students to make the most of each training session. Participants must wear athletic attire to practices (no jeans, dress pants, or skirts). Participants must bring a full bottle of water to every practice.
- All participants and their parents/guardians will need to join and use TeamApp. (Instructions to join will be shared in the Welcome email after registration closes.)
- Students must be picked up on time. Late fees apply.
- Developmental Volleyball does not qualify for lettering.
Practice Groups
Two practice groups, based on current grade level:
- Now full! 6th & 7th grades, all genders, coached by Avery Stork & Dori Mallinger
- Now full! 8th-11th grades, all genders, coached by Aaron Garcia & Isabelle Peterson
See Volleyball Coaches for more information.
Practice Location
All practice sessions are in the Mays (Middle School) Gym
Practice Schedule
- Practices will be canceled when school is canceled. In this case, a make-up practice will be scheduled, when possible.
- Students who must miss a practice due to illness or test preparation should start a private chat with their coach via TeamApp prior to missing practice. Please provide enough information so your absence can be excused. This step helps students learn to advocate for themselves, practice effectively communicating, and prepare for the expectations of competitive volleyball.
- Fees are not prorated due to missed practices.
- Minimum number of participants required for each section to form = 10.
- Maximum number of participants = 25 per group. Spots are limited! Spots are to be filled on a first to register basis. Once 25 students have registered for a section, that section will be filled and closed to additional registrants. Please do not register for the group that does not align with your student's current grade.
- Students must register for the appropriate group (6th & 7th or 8th-11th). If the appropriate group is filled, please do not register for the other group. This will impact the experience for all other members of that group, and your student could be removed if registered for the wrong group. In this case, registration and participation fees remain non-refundable and non-transferable.
Two fees due: Both the registration fee and the participation fee are due
- $52.30 Registration Fee ($50 registration + 4.6% MySchoolBucks user fee.) The registration fee is a processing fee and is only refundable if the minimum number of students do not register and this sports offering is canceled. If the student changes their mind, does not establish or maintain eligibility, or leaves Meridian, the registration fee remains non-refundable and non-transferrable.
- $100 Participation Fee:
- Participation fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
- *Add 4.6% MySchoolBucks user fee if paying participation fees via MySchoolBucks. Or participation fees can be paid by check. (The $52.30 registration fee cannot be paid by check.) Instructions for paying the participation fee by check will be given in the Welcome email, which will be sent the day after registration closes.
- Pro-rating is unavailable. The entire participation fee is due, even if a student is unavailable for all training sessions.
- Financial assistance is available to those who need it. Please see Financial Assistance.
Total = $156.90
Important Dates for Spring Developmental Volleyball
Wednesday, February 5 - Registration opens at midnight (Tuesday night). Spots are limited!
Thursday, February 13 - Physical forms due
Friday, February 14 - Welcome emails sent with instructions to join TeamApp
Friday, February 14 - Invoices for participation fees sent parents/guardians via MySchoolBucks
Friday, February 21 - Participation Fees due. (School is closed on February 14 and February 17.)
Wednesday, February 26 - Practices start
Wednesday, March 19 - No practice (Spring Break)
Wednesday, April 9 - No practice (Facilities unavailable due to Spring Musical)
Wednesday, April 23 - Practices end
- This sports experience is NOW FULL! Registration is now closed.
- Spots are limited!
- Registration ends at 9 p.m. on Thursday, February 13 (or sooner if the limited spots fill up first).
- Registration for the Spring Developmental Volleyball is separate from registration for 2025 - 2026 Volleyball tryouts. Students who wish to participate on a 2025 - 2026 Competitive Volleyball team must register for 2025-2026 Volleyball tryouts during the registration window this spring. Learn more on Sports Registration. Dates for 2025-2026 sports registration will be published by Spring Break.
- Registration in this sports experience indicates that both the participating student and their parents/guardians have read and agreed to the 2024 - 2025 Athletics Terms for Participation.
- After registration opens on February 5, check your Registration Status.
After School 6-12
Need a place for your student to go between school and the start of practice?
After School 6-12 is a safe place for middle school and high school students who cannot be picked up at dismissal or those who need a place to be before or after their extracurricular activity. Students have the opportunity to do homework, quiet activities, hang out, and socialize from secondary dismissal at 4:10 p.m. (MTTF) and 1:35 p.m. (W) until 5:45 p.m.
For safety purposes, students are not permitted to remain on campus unsupervised after carline. Whether they are waiting for a ride or for their extracurricular activity to start, they must wait in After School 6-12.
Learn more about After School 6-12 and register your student here.
Coaches will release participants from After School 6-12 in time to change and meet their group in the gym for practice.
Please send questions to Meridian Athletics.