Academics » State and STAAR Testing

State and STAAR Testing

State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) exams are typically administered by grade.


Grades 3 - 4: Reading and Math STAAR

Grade 5: Reading, Math and Science STAAR

STAAR exams are required for students in grades 3 - 8.

Middle school

Grade 6 - 7: Reading and Math

Grade 8: Reading, Science, Social Studies, and Math (at Meridian the exam is typically the Algebra EOC)

High school

Grade 9: English 1 EOC, Biology EOC, and Algebra 1 EOC (if the student is enrolled in an Algebra 1 course)

Grade 10: English 2

Grade 11: US History


STAAR End of Course (EOC): EOC exams are required for students in specific high school subject areas. Passing EOC exams is a graduation requirement.

Most students take the STAAR math assessment for their enrolled course. The majority of our students take Algebra 1 in 8th grade so their math exam will be  the Algebra 1 EOC. By federal rule, all students in grades 3 - 8 must be assessed annually in math and reading. If you have an 8th grade student in geometry or precalculus, the student will take the 8th grade math exam because geometry and precalculus is not a state-tested course and the corresponding exams are not available. The default is to take the exam based on their grade level. Eighth grade geometry or precalculus students take the STAAR Math 8 exam.

STAAR Schedules

Only for students not yet meeting standard on previous administrations.


December 3 - 6:

English 1 and 2

No re-test for US History



Primary STAAR Grades 3-5

April 10 (Thurs): Reading Language Arts 3rd - 5th

April 17 (Thurs): Science 5th

April 24 (Thurs): Math 3rd - 5th


Middle School STAAR Grades 6-8

April 8 (Tues): English Language Arts 8th

April 10 (Thurs): English Language Arts 6th and 7th

April 17 (Thurs): Social Studies 8th

April 23 (Weds): Science 8th

April 24 (Thurs): Math 8th (all in grade)

April 29 (Tues): Math 6th & 7th (all in grade)


High School STAAR Grades 9-11

April 15 (Tues): English 1 and 2 EOC 9th - 10th

April 16 (Weds): Biology EOC and US History EOC 9th and 11th

April 24 (Thurs): Ninth graders taking Algebra 1


Summer '25 STAAR EOC Administration

June 16 - 20: As applicable

Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS)
Exam dates: February 17 - March 28
What is TELPAS? TELPAS is a required State assessment program for students in Texas public schools who are learning the English language. The letters in TELPAS stand for the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System. The Texas Education Agency developed TELPAS to meet state and federal requirements.
State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Alternate 2 (STAAR ALT 2)
Exam dates: March 17 - April 18 (3 - 8 and EOC)
TEA has developed the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) Alternate 2 assessment to meet the federal requirements mandated under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), a federal education law previously known as No Child Left Behind. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) designed the STAAR Alternate 2 to assess students in grades 3–8 and high school who have significant cognitive disabilities and are receiving special education services.
Read on for more information on these exams.

College readiness testing

TSIA2: Read on for information about Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2)
ACT (no writing): Monday, March 3 - 11th grade (NEW date)
To find information on college testing, go to secondary counseling. Your counselor or test coordinator can help you if you have any questions about testing.  

Paige Bender - Test Coordinator