Orchestra (After School) » Orchestra (After School) - 2024-2025

Orchestra (After School) - 2024-2025

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2024-2025 Secondary After School Orchestra (7th & 8th)
Registration is now closed. (Registration closed at 10 a.m. on August 15.)
No late registrations will be accepted.
Rehearsals begin August 19. Students must be registered for this extracurricular activity and have paid the first payment of their participation fee to begin participating.



All information is subject to change.

Updated 08/06/24


About 2024-2025 7th & 8th Grade After School Orchestra:

  • Weekly 75-minute practices
  • One winter and one spring semester concert. (Saturday, December 14 & Saturday, May 10)
    • Students can qualify and choose to try out for area competitions for an additional fee.
  • Participants:
    • 7th-8th grade students
    • Minimum participants = 20 students
    • Pianists must also be able to play a second instrument with the same minimum qualifications on the second instrument. (See below).
  • Minimum Qualifications: A minimum of one full academic year of beginning Orchestra or one full year of ensemble experience. Questions about qualifications should be sent to the director, Carlos Cita.
  • Students will need to provide their own instrument (except pianists) and concert apparel.


Practice Schedule:

Mondays - 4:15 - 5:30 p.m. (Please note this is different from the 2023 - 2024 practice day.)

First practice = Monday, August 19

Last practice = Monday, May 12


Practice Location:

Music Room



After School Orchestra Director:

Carlos Cita



Fees: $52.30 Registration Fee +  $325 Participation Fee ($339.95 if paying through MySchoolBucks).  

  • All fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable and are due in full even if the student withdraws from the program or the school.
  • A $25 late fee will be added once a payment is more than 3 days late. The student will then lose financial eligibility until the late payment and the late fee are paid.


A payment plan for the participation fee is available. Please select “Payment Plan” on the registration form when registering. The payment plan is as follows:

25% due August 16 - ($81.25 by check or $84.98 by MySchoolBucks)

25% due November 1 - ($81.25 by check or $84.98 by MySchoolBucks)

25% due January 17 - ($81.25 by check or $84.98 by MySchoolBucks)

25% due March 3 - ($81.25 by check or $84.98 by MySchoolBucks)


Financial assistance is available to those who need it. See Financial Assistance. To inquire, please email financialaid@mwschool.org.



Please see Eligibility for Extracurricular Clubs and Activities. 

  • Students must be academically eligible to perform in concerts and pep rallies. Students must be academically eligible to compete in Soundwaves and other competitions entered by the school. 
  • Students must be financially eligible to participate in practices, performances, and competitions.
  • Students must maintain their Character in Good Standing eligibility, which requires that students adhere to the Meridian Student & Parent Handbook and the After School Band and Orchestra Terms for Participation.


Important Dates:

Tuesday, August 6 - Registration opens.

Wednesday, August 14 - Registration closes at 9:00 p.m. NO LATE REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED.

Thursday,  August 15 - Participation fees invoiced via MySchoolBucks.

Friday, August 16 - Participation fees due via MySchoolBucks invoice. (Or the first payment plan payment is due.)

Monday, August 19 - Practices start

Friday, November 1 - 2nd payment due for those on the payment plan

Saturday, December 14  from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. - Winter Concert

Friday, January 17 - 3rd payment due for those on the payment plan.

Monday, March 3 - 4th and final payment due for those on a payment plan.

Saturday, May 10  from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. - Spring Concert

Monday, May 12 - Last practice



Registration is now closed. It was originally scheduled to end at 9 p.m. on Wednesday, August 14, but MySchoolBucks was running maintenance at that time, so registration was extended to 10 a.m. on Thursday August 15. No late registrations will be accepted.


Lettering Requirements:

Lettering is reserved for high school students. 

