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Meridian Athletics

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Subject to Change
Updated March 3
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Highlights from Athletics News
Week of March 3


State Champs

Tennis (7-12)

Congratulations, Meridian Tennis! 2025 State Champions!

Meridian Tennis competed in the 2025 TCSAAL State Tennis Tournament on Saturday, March 1 at Texas State University and Rio Vista Tennis Courts. Chiguru B., Elizabeth L., Vijeta M., and Ally S. are Middle School Girls Doubles State Semi-Finalists! Gia B., Alishia S., Anika P., and Gavin H., are 2025 Tennis State Champions for High School Girls Doubles and High School Mixed Doubles respectively! (See above photo.) Congratulations on an impressive season, Meridian Tennis players! Roar, Lions, roar!


Soccer (7-12)

Home Soccer games! Friday, March 7 - Coed MS, Boys JV, and Boys Varsity Free admission! 

Find the season’s results and additional games on the Soccer Game Schedule.


Spring Dance Clinic (6-11)

Interested in trying out for the 2025-2026 Dance Team? Work on skills and technique during the Spring Dance Clinic. Registration is now open and ends at 9 p.m. on March 13, or sooner if the limited spots fill up first! Open to dancers of all levels and genders. This group will perform at the Arts and Science Fest on Saturday, April 5!


See Sports Registration for additional upcoming opportunities.


See the Athletics Newsletter for more sporting events happening during the next week.

New to Meridian Athletics? Visit the Introduction to Meridian Sports and the Athletics Terms for Participation.
Student Commitment Expectations for Competitive Sports
Students who wish to participate in competitive sports are expected to participate in every practice and be available to participate in every competition. 
Students who know they have an existing conflict that will interfere with their ability to participate as much as the coach and their teammates expect are encouraged to submit a Standing Conflict Waiver.
Welcome to Meridian Athletics!
Meridian Athletics Mission Statement: 
At Meridian School, we believe that students should balance the different aspects of their lives - intellectual, physical, and emotional - to achieve well-being and well-roundedness. Participation in competitive athletics and developmental sport experiences can contribute to this balance. The athletic experience will be provided within a nurturing environment that motivates the student athlete to view athletics and sports as life-long endeavors. Coaches will work with student athletes to aid their understanding of their strengths and weaknesses to enhance their personal development and improve their contribution to the success of the team. Win or lose, Meridian School will encourage student athletes to provide a winning effort, exhibit sportsmanship, enthusiasm, and demonstrate respect for all.
In 2023-2024, we supported approximately 600 student athletes across five sports: Basketball, Cross Country, Dance Team, Soccer, Tennis and Volleyball. In 2024-2025, we added Middle School Flag Football to the sports offerings! In 2025-2026, we hope to add a Varsity Flag Football team as well. Find our Sports here, See when to register here.
The Meridian Lions have 30 State Titles! Learn more about our accomplishments here.

There is always something happening in Meridian sports. Find Athletics News here.

See the Athletics Calendar here.



The Meridian Mays Gym (in the Middle School building) is home to 5 Volleyball teams and 7 Basketball teams!



Cash only.

$5 adults; $3 students; $1 if wearing Meridian spirit wear; Meridian staff always admitted for FREE with their badge;
Families of our teams that are playing are admitted for FREE to home games at Meridian w/ their Family Pass.



The Athletics website contains a wealth of information.

Find anything from Eligibility to Frequently Asked Questions.

If any information is missing or requires updating, please email [email protected].


Coaches & ADs Looking to Schedule Competitions -

Please contact our Athletic Coordinator, Ashlie Langlinais at [email protected].


Questions- Please email [email protected].


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