Board of Directors » Communication Policy

Communication Policy

Purpose of Public Comment in a Board Meeting


This is a time at the beginning of each meeting when members of the community have the opportunity to speak to items currently on the agenda or items that are anticipated on a future board agenda.



Policy Approved August 2013

1. During the public comment portion of a board meeting, questions from a speaker that can be responded to with a statement of fact or a reference to existing policy shall be answered at that time. After the speaker has finished, the Board President shall ask the Superintendent to respond to such a question. Neither the speaker nor the audience should engage in a discussion about an item, but allow the Superintendent or their staff to respond. If the speaker has a follow-up for clarification, they may ask.

2. If, in the opinion of the Superintendent, an answer requires research or a more nuanced response, they may request that they be permitted to get back with the parent in order to respond adequately. If the matter requires board deliberation or participation, the staff will request that the matter be placed on an upcoming agenda of the School Board.

3. If the public comment / question regards policy about the day-to-day running of the school (i.e. parents inside the classrooms), the Board President shall ask the Superintendent to respond. They will respond by referring to the sections in the Student Parent Handbook cited below: Have you spoken with your child’s teacher about this matter? Did you speak with the appropriate Principal?, etc. If the parent has not, they will be directed to the written procedure for such questions or complaints. If the parent has visited with all parties as described, they will be instructed to place their item in writing to the President of the Board for consideration.

Informal Conflict or Issue Resolution


Students and parents are encouraged to discuss concerns and complaints through informal conferences with the appropriate teacher, principal, or other campus administrator at an appropriate time.  We encourage early resolution of concerns at the administrative level closest to the student. Concerns should be expressed informally if possible - and as soon as possible. 

Formal Conflict Resolution

A parent may appeal the decisions of Meridian School teachers or administration by following the following steps:


Complaints or concerns which are not resolved at the classroom/Teacher level may be brought to the attention of the respective Assistant Principal/Principal within five (5) school days of the meeting with the  teacher.


Complaints or concerns which are not resolved at the Assistant Principal or Principal level may be brought to the attention of the Superintendent within five (5) school days of the day the parent was informed of the decision of the Assistant Principal or Principal.


The complaint or concern addressed to the Superintendent must be in writing, must be specific, and where possible, suggest a resolution.  The Superintendent shall attempt to respond to all written complaints or concerns within five (5) school days of the receipt of the written complaint.


Parents who are dissatisfied with the response of the Superintendent may make their complaint known in writing to the Governing Board.  The complaint shall be directed to the President of the Governing Board at [email protected], shall include a copy of the written complaint to the Superintendent, and the Superintendent’s response.  A copy of the complaint shall also be delivered to the Superintendent.  The President of the Governing Board shall, at the next meeting of the Governing Board, provide a copy of the complaint record to all members of the Board.  Any action of the Governing Board regarding the complaint shall be taken in compliance with the Open Meetings Act.


The Governing Board shall respond to all written complaints or concerns within ten (10) days after the Governing Board has met regarding the complaint.  All decisions are final.