What is a Charter School?
What is a Charter School?
Charter schools were authorized by the Texas Legislature in 1995 to provide an alternative to traditional public schools.
Open-enrollment charter schools are public schools that have the flexibility to adapt to the educational needs of individual students. Open-enrollment charter schools vary in mission and model, serving a wide range of students, many with needs beyond the one-size-fits-all traditional public school. Often, these charter schools provide a personalized learning environment that promotes greater student achievement. In exchange for some autonomy, charter schools have increased accountability, and must meet the testing standards dictated by the state.
On charter campuses, school leaders are permitted more freedom in managing their school, allowing them to respond in the best interest of both parents and students. Teachers at charter schools are encouraged to structure lessons to the specific needs of their students. Some charter schools provide curriculum that specializes in a certain field such as the arts, mathematics or science. Others provide a more efficient, general education based on the educational model set forth in the charter.
Some charter schools serve students in any grade level with a distinctive area of foci, like fine arts, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), early childhood, and other special purposes. These schools may have strong college readiness programs.
Texas Charter schools are tasked with accomplishing the following objectives:
improve student learning;
increase the choice of learning opportunities within the public school system;
create professional opportunities that will attract new teachers to the public school system;
establish a new form of accountability for public schools; and
encourage different and innovative learning methods.
How are Charter Schools funded?
Charter schools receive state funds based on the average daily attendance (ADA) of students (just like traditional public schools); however, they do not receive funds from local tax revenue. The majority, including Texas charters, do not receive state facilities funding. Texas Education Agency (TEA) data indicates that charter schools receive on average $1,000 less in total revenue per pupil than traditional public schools.
In the State of Texas, the funding for students follows the student. Therefore, a school is funded based upon the children that attend that school. A traditional public school has small drawn boundaries and families within that district attend that school. A charter school generally has a much larger boundary and is therefore a school to which families can choose to attend should it be right for the child.
Do I need to pay tuition for my child to attend a Charter School?
No. The schools are supported through public funding. A parent can expect to pay for similar items that you would pay for in a traditional school, i.e.; school supplies, extracurricular activities, attendance to some performances, etc. In addition, as with traditional public schools, there is the element of fundraising that enhances the programs that can be offered. Our annual fund brings in more than $300,000 each year, thanks to the generosity of families and staff members, which allows us to purchase up-to-date technology, train our teachers, and offer school-wide improvements.
Who attends Meridian School?
All students interested in attending Meridian School can apply. Applications are entered into a lottery for admission.
How did Meridian School start?
A group of parents interested in educational choice for their students and community came together to create a school using the International Baccalaureate framework and curriculum. The Founders and Board Members consist of people interested in non-traditional public education. This group is especially determined to provide a global, transportable education creating life-long learners.
When did Meridian School open?
August 2011
How can I apply to Meridian School?
If applying for the following school year, the application window opens in January and closes at the end of February for the lottery in March. For those grades not oversubscribed, enrollment is on a first come, first served basis and will continue until the class is full. See our admissions section for details!
Is it difficult to get into a Charter School?
It can be. Enrollment in Texas charter schools has increased. Last year, there were over 140,000 students on waiting lists for charter schools. Where space at a charter school is limited, admission is frequently allocated by lottery-based admissions.
If I apply, am I guaranteed a spot?
If the grade is over-subscribed, all applications for that class will go into a lottery and those who are selected at random will attend. This is state law. Siblings are given priority so that families will be able to have their children at one school.
How many students per classroom?
Kindergarten and First grade = 22 maximum
Second through Twelfth Grade = 25 maximum
These numbers are supported by the International Baccalaureate Organization as much of the work is group and/or team oriented.
Who runs the school?
A selected Board of Directors is responsible for the school’s performance, policy provisions, and oversight and members serve three-year staggered terms. Board members are selected by existing board members and may be recommended by parents or community members.
The Board hires and oversees the Superintendent/CEO.
Will my child take standardized tests?
Yes, Texas Charter Schools are required to take all state required testing including the STARR and EOCs.
How does an inquiry-based curriculum address our system and culture in the U.S.?
Meridian will cultivate international-mindedness and a positive attitude towards learning in our inquiry based program. It is important that students first have a fundamental understanding of their own culture and national identity. All Meridian students learn a second language to prepare them to work with others around the globe. We encourage students to ask thought-provoking questions, develop research skills, reflect critically and prepare them to learn how to learn. We encourage action and service so that their education extends beyond the classroom.
What makes Meridian School special?
Many things make Meridian special, but as an IB Continuum school, Meridian is authorized to offer all three International Baccalaureate programs from Kindergarten through 12th grade on one campus. This provides a unique opportunity to students and their families for a very high quality public school education.