International Baccalaureate - Primary Years Program (PYP) » The Learner Profile

The Learner Profile

IB Learner Profile
The learner profile describes a list of attributes that promote academic rigor and the establishing of a personal value system leading to international-mindedness.  The attributes of the profile are visible in many areas of the school and are the heart and soul of our primary experience.     
The program encourages students to become:

INQUIRERS—their natural curiosity has been nurtured and they actively enjoy learning
THINKERS—they exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to solving complex problems
COMMUNICATORS—they receive and express ideas and information confidently in
more than one language
RISK-TAKERS—they approach unfamiliar situations without anxiety and have the confidence to explore new ideas
KNOWLEDGEABLE—they have explored themes that have global significance and have acquired a critical mass of knowledge
PRINCIPLED—they have a sound grasp of the principles of moral reasoning and have acquired integrity, honesty and a sense of justice
CARING—they show sensitivity towards the needs and feelings of others, and have a sense of personal commitment to helping others
OPEN-MINDED—they respect the values of other individuals and cultures and seek to consider a range of points of view
BALANCED—they understand the importance of physical and mental balance and personal well-being
REFLECTIVE—they give thoughtful consideration to their own learning by constructively analyzing their personal strengths and weaknesses.
Below you will find a one page printable file with descriptions of the learner profile if you'd like to print and hang somewhere in your house as well as a file with activity ideas, discussion starters, and book connections. These traits offer great opportunities for discussion with your child. How are they demonstrating these? How could they improve?