Pro Skills Soccer (2-5)
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is NOW OPEN! Space is limited.

Pro Skills Soccer aims to introduce the basics and fundamentals of soccer within a nurturing and fun environment. The coach will work with participants to aid their understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, to enhance their physical and social development, and improve their knowledge of the game. Pro Skills Soccer will encourage all participants to provide a winning effort, exhibit sportsmanship, enthusiasm, and demonstrate respect for all.
2024-2025 School Year Registration (Fall-Only Program)
(Volleyball will be offered in Spring instead of Soccer)
Grade: 2-3
When: Wednesdays from 1 p.m. – 1:50 p.m.
Frequency: One class per week
Fall Semester Dates: August 21, 2024 – December 11, 2024 - (No class on 10/9 and 11/27)
Grade: 4-5
When: Wednesdays from 2:10 p.m. – 3 p.m.*
Frequency: One class per week
Fall Semester Dates: August 21, 2024 – December 11, 2024 - (No class on 10/9 and 11/27)
Cost: $425 per semester
*Students NOT enrolled in Triple A Full-Time/Extended Day care or Early Release Wednesday care must be picked up via their regular dismissal mode (car line or waiters) and brought back to the Primary Lobby 5-10 minutes prior to the Soccer class start time.
How to Register
Step 1. Thoroughly review the PSB Soccer program details and Triple A Terms for Participation.
Step 2. Submit the registration form and pay the participation fee using the link(s) below:
Step 3. All steps must be completed to save your student's spot.
Meet the Coach
Casey Burchfield
With four years of dedicated coaching experience, Casey Burchfield has become a respected figure in the realm of youth soccer development. Casey has passionately coached at both local select and academy levels, working with young talents ranging from ages 8 to 18.
Coaching Philosophy:
Casey Burchfield firmly believes that sports should serve as a platform for children to cultivate essential life skills. Beyond the soccer field, Casey views athletics as an opportunity for youngsters to develop teamwork, commitment, and determination. Emphasizing a holistic approach, Casey understands the importance of channeling excess emotional and physical energy in a healthy and constructive manner through the medium of sports.
Casey Burchfield's impact goes beyond victories on the field; it extends to the well-rounded development of young athletes. As a coach, exercise physiologist, advocate for sports nutrition, and champion of injury prevention, Casey is shaping the future of soccer by empowering players with the tools they need for success both on and off the pitch.
Late Pick up Fees
Late pick-up from Arts/À la carte/After school programs will result in additional fees to accrue at the rate of $5 per 5 minutes starting with the first minute.
Students who participate in Arts/À la carte activities will be charged $5 per 5 minutes with a 5 minute grace period from the activity's dismissal time to allow for transition from the classroom.
For full-time after school students end-of-day, "late" begins at 6:01 p.m.
1 – 5 minutes = $5
6 – 10 minutes = $10
11 – 15 minutes = $15
16 – 20 minutes = $20 ...
How to Withdraw
- To withdraw, please complete the Triple A Withdrawal Form.