Volunteer Opportunities
We are so happy you are visiting our Volunteer Opportunities page. This means you're looking for ways to become a part of our school's community! Everyone has different schedules and circumstances, so we offer something for everyone!
Please fill our our Volunteer Interest Survey and check out the current opportunities below. And remember, each time you volunteer, log your hours (and see if your company donates for hours served)!
Why should I log my volunteer hours?
Have you ever wondered why Meridian asks volunteers to log their hours? Here’s why:
It helps families to see how engaged our community is, and inspires others to become more involved.
It demonstrates to our children our commitment to their education, and they see the positive impact those hours can make.
It helps Meridian acknowledge our volunteers and all that you do.
Involved families, including data on hours volunteered, reflects well on potential grants!
So, have you done -- AND logged -- your 20 (or more) hours? Log your hours today and enjoy perks like lunch with your students and more! To earn your lunch perk, you must log your hours.
Not sure how many hours you have logged? You can check your email for a confirmation from Google Forms, subject: ViP Volunteer Hours. You may send a quick note to [email protected] for a total of your hours to date.
Have you done your 20? Here are some perks for you.
New: Afternoon carline parking space drawing.
Lunch date with your student
Current Opportunities
Ongoing Opportunities
Morning Carline