Triple A: Arts, A la Carte, After School » Waiters Program (K-5)

Waiters Program (K-5)

Waiters for 2024-2025 School Year

Who wants to go through carline twice?! Waiters is designed for families with students in both primary (K-5) and secondary (6-12).


Meridian staff provide a classroom for primary students to wait after school until their secondary siblings are released at 4:10 p.m. (M/T/TH/F) and 1:35 p.m. (W).


This option allows K-12 siblings to be picked up at the same time rather than separate carlines. For information regarding the Waiters program, please email [email protected].


**Registration is required. Late fees apply for each student picked up late**



How much is Waiters?

The Waiters program commitment fee for 2024-2025 is:


Semester: $30 per primary student

Annually: $60 per primary student


Be sure to submit payment for each primary student participating in the Waiters program. Commitment fees are nonrefundable.



How to register

2024-2025 Registration opens May 1

Step 1: Read all the important information below before paying, especially the "*Stop* read before you pay" section.


Step 2: Fill out the form on MySchoolBucks and pay the Waiters Commitment Fee for each primary student participating.


Step 3: Your Payment Confirmation Code confirms that your spot is reserved.


*Stop* Read before you pay

For students currently enrolled in Meridian School: Please login to your MySchoolBucks account to purchase.


For students new to Meridian School:

  • Check out as a guest.

  • Please document your Payment Confirmation Code or print your Payment Confirmation page as you will not receive an emailed receipt.
Multiple students registration and payment:
  • Add each student's enrollment fee to your cart individually by clicking "Purchase." Do not click “Pay” until all students have been added.

  • If you try to pay for each student individually in a 24 period, you will get an error message. If so, you will have to wait 24 hours before registering and paying for additional students.

Waiters dos and don'ts

Do. Secondary siblings must pick up primary siblings from the Waiters holding area and walk them to the dismissal area immediately at secondary dismissal.

Don’t. Secondary siblings who repeatedly choose to socialize in other carlines and do not pick up their primary sibling immediately will result in the withdrawal of their primary sibling from the Waiters program.

Don’t. Parents are not permitted to walk up and pick up primary students as staff will not have documents for identifying authorized adult pickups.

Do. On days the secondary sibling is not able to pick up their primary sibling immediately from Waiters, other arrangements must be made. Dismissal changes must be made via Pikmykid by 2:30 p.m. (MTTF) and 1 p.m. (W). It's a good idea to cc your child's teacher as well.

Do. Parents wishing to pick up their primary student before carline begins need to do so before 3 p.m. (MTTF) and 12:25 p.m. (W) through the front desk, otherwise they will need to pick-up their students through waiters carline.

Do. All Waiters must be picked up by 4:35 p.m. (M/T/TH/F)  and 2:05 p.m. (W). Students who are not picked up on time will be escorted to the Mays Cafeteria and late fees will apply.

Waiters late pick ups and fees

  • Students who are not picked up from Waiters at 4:35 p.m. (MTTF) and 2:05 p.m.(W), will be considered a late pick up. They will be escorted to the high school office. Late fees accrue in 5-minute increments and are charged for each student.

    0001 – 5 minutes = $5
    06 – 10 minutes = $10
    11 – 15 minutes = $15
    16 – 20 minutes = $20
    21 – 25 minutes = $25
    26 – 30 minutes = $30
    31 – 35 minutes = $35
    36 – 40 minutes = $40

  • Late Pick Up Fees will be invoiced/emailed via MySchoolBucks. Fees must be paid within two weeks and should be paid by MySchoolBucks. Failure to pay the late pick up fee within two weeks will result in withdrawal from the Waiters program.

  • Four late pick ups by either secondary students or parents will result in withdrawal from the Waiters program.