About Athletics » Weather Policy

Weather Policy

Meridian Athletics follows the weather policy of our league, Texas Charter School Academic and Athletic League (TCSAAL).
The following is the league's policy for outdoor activities in hot and cold temperatures:
Hot Weather
  • It is the policy of TCSAAL to not initiate or continue outdoor events when the Heat index is at 105 or
    higher. The heat index is determined when factoring temperature and humidity together.
  • TCSAAL uses the National Weather Service Heat Index Chart to determine the current heat
    index: As of publication of this year’s Handbook, a copy of this chart can be found at the
    National Weather Service website.
  • TCSAAL uses the websites accessing the National Weather Service, such as weather.com, to
    determine the temperature and humidity of an area.
Cold Weather
  • Wet and cold - It is the policy of TCSAAL to not initiate or continue outdoor events when the weather is 33 degrees or a wind chill of 28 or below and it is wet (with precipitation).
  • Dry and cold - It is the policy of TCSAAL to not initiate or continue outdoor events when the weather is 30 degrees or a wind chill of 25 or below and it is dry (no precipitation).
  • Note: The "wind chill" temperature could be noted as the "feels like" temperature.
  • We will utilize weather.com for the location and time of the sports activity.
  • Road conditions will also be considered.
    • When families believe road conditions to be hazardous, they should not travel for sports competitions and practices. Student athletes must communicate with their coach via private chat in TeamApp when their attendance will be impacted by road conditions.
  • When temperature is not a concern, outdoor sports activities will continue in rain unless the facilities are closed.
  • All outdoor activities are canceled when there is lightning in the area.
Individual Health and Safety Considerations
If a student or their parent/guardian has concerns for the student's health and safety if participating in cold or hot conditions that do not exceed the league's threshold, they should make the decisions that are right for the individual student. If they decide that a practice or a competition must be missed for the student's health or safety, the student should start a private chat via TeamApp with the coach before missing the practice or competition. The student should provide an explanation for the need to miss the practice/competition, and request for the absence to be excused. This also applies to dangerous road conditions in the student's path to and from the outdoor sports activity.
We encourage students to send these private chats with their coach (instead of their parents/guardians) so they learn to advocate for themselves.
Please keep in mind that outdoor winter and spring sports are prone to cold temperatures, and outdoor summer and fall sports often see very hot days. Indoor sports experiences are also available and might be more suitable for students who are more concerned about participating in hot or cold temperatures.
School Cancelations
  • When school is canceled due to weather or road conditions, athletics activities will also be canceled. 
  • An exception to this is playoff competitions. These will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
Staying Updated
  • Sports participants and their parents/guardians should monitor their team's TeamApp for updates.
  • The Meridian community and fans should watch the Athletics Calendar for updates on outdoor competitions.